Sunshine, fresh water, great fruit and amazing people. That was my day yesterday at Sauble beach Ontario. I went for the day with my one of my cousins to visit another one of my cousins. We had a great time, swimming and enjoying the sun. We had great conversations about life and God and health. It was so refreshing. My cousin Adam was a real inspiration to me. He lives in a cabin in the woods behind the beach, no electricity, no running water, no television. He lives simply, working, enjoying time with friends and bathing in the river. You here people all the time talking about living sustainably and simply but when you meet someone that actually does it, well, its just great! Reminded me that we really don't need all the "necessities" of life, like tv, microwaves, flushing toilets lol. All you really need is a relationship with your maker, shelter, sunshine, water, friends and simple foods. I feel like God's showing my again, that living simply is the way to go. So, I'll continue on my journey to health and wholeness. Pursuing a relationship with Jesus, loving people, eating fruits and veggies and caring for the earth by consuming less and producing more. I love life. I love my family. I love you. thanks for reading. 

Hey all. So, I've finally embarked on a journey to true health. Raw fruits/veggies, plenty of water and rest and of course, a personal relationship with Christ. The building blocks to a happy and fruitful life. I've been on and off this lifestyle for about 8 years now. Researching health and trying all sorts of different diets and lifestyles. I have to say, the SAD (standard american diet) is NOT the way to thrive. Over the past 3 years I've been eating tons of meat, dairy, eggs, refined sugars and processed foods, not to mention about 3-6 cups of coffee a day. Sounds like the typical north American? Well, thats right and I ended up looking and feeling just like the typical North American as well. Overweight ( I gained 40lb in the last 4 years!), tired, groggy, pimply and sick. I had no energy to exercise and no desire to be active. I used to be a top notch athlete! Also, over the past 8 years I've had 8 severe allergic reactions, 2 of which almost took my life! Was I ever a mess. So, after much research, prayer and thought, I made the choice to go 100% raw. Not caring anymore what people around me think about it, it's my health and well being at stake! It's been 1 month and I feel great! I can't believe the changes. I have energy, my skin is clearing up, I've lost 10lb, I can think clearly, I sleep great at night and no more grogginess. I joined an online support forum for HCRV (High Carb Raw Vegans), www.30bananasaday.com. This site offers great articles, videos and tips for acquiring optimum health. I've been reading all the blogs, watching all the vids and filling up on GREAT information and advice. I'm gonna keep writing as much as I can to keep everyone updated on my heatlh,so keep checking back. Also, please follow my journey on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/ebananabee?feature=mhee
Talk to you soon and God Bless,